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Testing A Custom Registry

Purpose of this document

This document describes how to

  1. Modify the connector catalog used by the platform
  2. Use the newly modified catalog in the platform

Why you might need to

  1. You've added/updated/deleted a generally available connector and want to test it in the platform UI
  2. You've added/updated/deleted a generally available connector and want to test it in the platform API

Method 1: Edit the registry by hand (easiest)

1. Download the current OSS Registry

Download the current registry from here to somewhere on your local machine.

2. Modify the registry

Modify the registry as you see fit. For example, you can add a new connector, update an existing connector, or delete a connector.

3. Upload the modified registry to a public location

Upload the modified registry to a public location. For example, you can upload it to a public S3 bucket, or you can upload it to a public GitHub repo, or a service like

4. Point the platform to the modified registry

Run the platform with the following environment variable set:

REMOTE_CONNECTOR_CATALOG_URL = <url of the modified registry>

Method 2: Use the registry generator (more involved)

Follow the steps in the Metadata Orchestrator Readme) to setup the orchestrator.

You can then use the public GCS url of the registry created by the orchestrator to point the platform to the modified registry.

REMOTE_CONNECTOR_CATALOG_URL = <url of the modified registry>